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July 31, 2008


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If it's still on, I'm in!

It's still August. It counts. I'm in.

Oh, I am such a procrastinator.


I'm late, but in.

I'm in too!! Fantastic idea!!


Okay, so I finally got my blog up and running (woot!). Trying to visit everyone at least once this month, finding a lot of good reads -- I'm sure I'll be back after the month is over too!

I've been trying to click through all my feeds & on adsense if its there.

I just blogged! What a great idea...


I added a link to here in my Feed Signature. So whenever someone reads my posts through a feed reader, they get a little reminder to click out.

I just posted a link on my blog...anyone else robbing Peter to pay Paul????

This awesomeness was featured on BS Sunday on the Houston Chronicle Online: http://tinyurl.com/6c2w4u

Linked up in my sidebar, but haven't posted about it yet.

You know me, always a day (or five) late and a dollar (or seven) short.

Button *check*
Post *check*

I just wanted to say that THIS WAS SUPER GREAT!!!!

I just checked my stats and in the last month I have already doubled my previous earnings (they aren't much but they are double what I had gotten in the past year or so)

I hope that the people who read my blog through this keep up with it and I know I have found a few that are my new favorites.

Late but present and accounted for!


I'm super slow, but I'm in!

Man, I am so late.


Like others, I have been going through every blog listed above to blog the recession. Its taking FOREVER but I am determined about this one. Again, great, fabulous, brilliant idea.

I sent you an email, but posting here too.
Here's mine: http://thesmocklady.com/blog/blog-the-recession_931/


Count me in! I am up for it!!

I am up for it!!


great idea! Count me in - every little bit counts you know. I grabbed an image & am on the bandwagon.

Please ad me to the list of participants
my blog is at http://dreamscapes.psolis.com

Thanks for doing this!

Here's my post. Love the idea, especially for us newbies! http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2008/08/i-feel-just-like-sally-field.html

Adding the badge now but already posted! :)


Count me, too!


Count me, too!



Am I too late?

GREAT IDEA! I'm totally in...hopefully it'll catch on faster than the flu! =) I'm such a dork. I know. Get to clickin'!

Here is my link I'm clickin


See I need to learn from you how to build traffic. This is such a great idea.

Make sure you email me with your linky dink as I might miss it if it's in these comments!

posted the button ..Cheers to you.

I added the little piggy to my blog today.

Here is my link


Happy blogging to everyone!!!

Sorry, that link was wacky. Here's the real one:


Again, thanks Kristen! Every little bit helps!

Thanks for doing this Kristen! You rock!

Here's mine:


I'm blogging away! I've already left a few comments and I'm on my way to visit more.

I've added your post about the Blog Recession to my site! Sweet!

I blogged. thanks


Great idea,
I just jumped into the pig pen. Better late than never and I really wanted wanted of those cute pigs on my blog.
Here's my post

Hey, I'm in, I posted earlier but you probably just missed me...



Here's mine. Great idea!

Hi -- there's a link to this on my blog:


I included a shout-out and link on my recent post...and the little piggy's in my sidebar.

I pretty much use my reader as a jumping point to new posts, but I'm glad to see so many more people will be doing this too!

Here is my blog entry!

Just making sure you got my post. IE is acting up on me so I am not sure my first attempt went through!


You've written a wonderful post and I'm thinking you should expect so much good blogger karma in your future! :)

Here's my post.

And in the spirit of this post, I am taking a few days off from my own posting to go on a click-thru-blogs-othon.

This post is absoultely a wonderful wonderful idea. You will acheive such good blogger karma for this!

I blogged ya! Great idea!


I blogged it!


What a great thing to do.

Late to the party as usual, but I brought cheese doodles. What? No takers for cheese doodles?

Here's my post:

I am a newborn to the blog world and am in awe by everything I have found. It is like an entire secret world exists and the portal to this new dimension has just been opened for me to enter. Look Out, Here I come!!
BTW, I grabbed the piggy, posted a comment on "Fabulous Running Mommy's Blog" and was tipped off to this movement by Run DMT.
Please link my wordpress blog so I, too, can begin to feel the love.

What an amazing idea. I know you have a ga-billion comments here but I posted about blogger karma and I really think this is exactly what I was talking about. Bloggers taking care of bloggers. You rock. I am gonna spread the word and the button is up on my blog.

This is a wonderful idea! I am putting a blog the recession pig on my website right now!

I finally got up my post and the pic on the sidebar.

Here it is: http://caramamamia.blogspot.com/2008/08/theres-recession-ah-blog-it.html

Better late, than never, yes?


Crap, let me try that again. Sorry for the double


you are linked: http://www.gomom.com/forum/miscellany/your-latin-lesson-today-august-7-2008, and I just want to add that I'm raising a glass of really cheap wine to you right now.

Done and here: http://karensugarpants.com/2008/08/06/i-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-lisas/

Oops, here's my link --

Greetings from Texas via Notes from the Cookie Jar. Cool button!

What a great idea! Here's mine


Now I gotta go got some clicking to do.

This is the mother of all good ideas in the blogosphere. Wow. I'm so in!


This is a great suggestion but try doing that on a slow dial up internet connection (yes- there are still a lot of us out there). With all the ads, widgets, banners, photo backgrounds etc on blogs these days it is downright painful to surf the 'old' way and not throught the rss feeds. I have had to stop reading certain blogs I loved because of it. If blogs want more readers please try implementing a format that is user friendly to the masses and not just the elite. (I am not talking about this blog in particular. It actually loaded fairly well for me especially for a first time visit.) Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

I'm in! http://themummychronicles.blogspot.com/2008/08/bbc-disappoints.html

Brilliant idea! Mommy bloggers unite! Show some love and share the wealth! :-)

Count me in...


Awesome idea -- I've just posted mine! Thanks!


Post finished... I'm all over this shit. I do love me some widgets.

Oh, and I get to help, too.


I'm loving this... now that I've made my post, I'm visiting everyone's sites!

What a great idea! Whoo-hoo!

Oh what the hell... I never did know what was good for me.
Is this what you meant?

Something tells me that being the owner of a Y-chromosome and grown children probably means I'm disqualified... In fact, I probably shouldn't even be looking at this. And yet... it's so strangely compelling...

I did it not sure if it's right but I tried.

What a GREAT idea! I posted about it here: http://slackermomof3.blogspot.com/2008/08/blog-recession.html

Button added? Check.
Reference posted? Check.
Email? Check.
This is a great idea and I'll spread the word.

Thank you for the wonderful idea. I sent you an e-mail since I posted about Blog the Recession this morning.

I want to play! I've posted my entry and put the piggy in my column ! Sounds like another great way to meet some new folks and hook each other up at the same time!


Posted Mine Today!!


I'm going to go read everyone who's participating too. Great idea, thank you so much for this.

Linked my post! :)

What a sweet idea! I've jumped on the piggy bandwagon!


Great idea! My post is up:

Got my badge up and posted about the party. Can't wait to meet some new blogging friends. Scarlett

I'm in! Blogged you here:

Pure genius. I'm adding my badge now. Count me in!

Seeking Sanity

My post is up! how fun is this?!


Hi it's my 1st time here and I've added your button to my shiny new blog, I'll get started on the post soon. This is all new to me.

I'm all buttoned up and I sent you the link to my post this morning. Now I'm off to spread some love...

Thanks for running with such a great idea!

I just added the button - and did a little post linking to you :)


my blog is (unfortunately??) private though... so I'll send you an invite in the event that you want to be SURE I actually posted :) or in the crazy event that you might even want to read about my non-exciting life as a cop's wife and soon-to-be mom... although there are quite a few baby related posts in recent weeks... so who knows :)

ANYWAY - I'll stop rambling all over your comments now - I posted and that's what is important!!


I'm in!

Hope I'm not too late to the party. This is such a great idea. Here's my post:


Here you go... http://www.threeseven.ca/2008/08/blog-recession.html

And I can donate a prize too.... email me at shannon at threeseven dot ca for some cool software!

Here's the link! I'm going out there and leave a trail of footprints a mile long!


Here is my link for the post and the button is goin' up baby! I am all for helping out fellow bloggers!

Finally got it. Blog post to follow!

I love the idea but I can't get the button to work- I am such a dweeb!

great idea.

I'm not blogging it yet, but I added a button to my sidebar! It's a good idea, and I will make a conscious effort to click through to blogs this month.

I'm blogging it here:


Here's mine - love the idea.

Post is up!


This is such a fabulous idea; I'm in! I'll email you once I've posted.

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